
Got questions? We've got answers.

Looking for help with the LeaguePilot platform? Find the answer here or reach out.

Common Presale Questions

  • Is LeaguePilot compatible with my existing website?

    Yes. LeaguePilot is compatible with any website.

  • What if we don’t have a website, do we need one?

    Nope! You do not need a website to use LeaguePilot. We will provide you with a link that you can just share with your members via email, social media, printed flyer...whatever is easiest! (If you want a website, we can help - reach out).

  • Do we need to be “techies” to use LeaguePilot?

    Not at all. Our system was designed FOR and BY volunteer league administrators. We get that not everyone is a “techie”, yet most solutions on the market just give you a login to their overly complicated system and you now have to learn a NEW thing. 

    We give you a link, you share it with your families, and the money and data rolls in. Done.

  • How do we collect our registration fees?

    Fees are collected through Paypal and go directly into your own account. We do not hold it and distribute it to you. You can elect to allow families to pay by check as well if you’d like (but why give yourself more work??!!)

  • How/when are we billed?

    You only pay for people who register. See our pricing here. Fees are billed after the fact on a weekly basis. You can also tack on a small service fee to each registration and then you effectively pay nothing!

  • Can we still register people in person for those who prefer that?

    Yes! We have an In-Person/Kiosk Mode option which allows you to hold an in-person registration event while still collecting the data through the online registration form. Simply set up a few PC's/tablets in the kiosk mode and people can register right through those and complete their payment on the spot, with either credit card or check. If check, you simply mark it as paid in your LeaguePilot dashboard and they are done. All the data is in the LeaguePilot system for easy review and data entry required!

  • We have different divisions with various eligibility requirements and limits. How is that handled?

    Our registration forms support unlimited divisions, each with its own fees, age/grade/gender limitations, capacity limits, early & late registration fees, closing dates, etc. When a person is registering, they will only be able to choose the division(s) that are available to them based on those criteria.

  • How do we view and access the registration data?

    Within your LeaguePilot dashboard, you have realtime access to the registration activity and can download the data to Excel or Google Sheets for easy management. We are also the official online registration provider for League Organizer software, one of the premier software management tools for youth sports leagues for decades. If you are a League Organizer user, the online registration data will download right into the software.

Still have questions?
Hit us up!

Have a technical support question or just looking for more information on the LeaguePilot platform? Drop your question here and we’ll get right back to you!

Got questions? We've got answers.

Not at all. The LeaguePilot system was designed with League Administrators in mind, to save them the time, hassle and paperwork that multiple in-person registration sessions bring. Once you are set up with LeaguePilot, Members can register 24 hours a day online, without any intervention from the league. You do not have to worry about collecting Members’ data or payments, as the LeaguePilot system does it all for you.

You do not need a website to use LeaguePilot, although it is strongly recommended, because it provides your Members with a familiar, comfortable starting point from which to begin Online Registration.

Yes. LeaguePilot is compatible with any website.

LeaguePilot offers website building, hosting and maintenance services for all of our clients. You will find that having a website is not nearly as difficult as it seems, and will greatly improve your league’s communication efforts with members.  In fact, we have built many custom websites for our clients and will be happy to discuss this option with you as well.